Why Number Hive? Because Teachers Need Simple, Effective, and Affordable Classroom Tools

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October 21, 2024

By Chris, Founder of Number Hive and a 15-year Math Teacher

The question I get asked more than any other – why Number Hive? Why did I plough everything into this deceptively simple product? Well, as a teacher with over 15 years of experience in the classroom, I’ve faced the same daily challenges you do. Large class sizes, packed curricula, and the never-ending need to engage students meaningfully.

What has always driven me is the desire to make learning not just effective but as simple and seamless as possible. That’s why I became so passionate about creating Number Hive—a tool that truly serves the needs of teachers and students alike.

The demand for easy-to-use, curriculum-aligned, and cost-effective tools is growing, because we all know how hard it can be to stay on top of everything in the classroom.

It’s not about adding more complexity—it’s about removing barriers, making teaching more manageable, and maximizing the return on our investment in learning.

The Practical Challenges We Face

The reality is that classrooms today are more crowded, and the time we have to cover essential topics is shrinking. The curriculum (and hidden curriculum) is expanding with nothing getting removed and no time added. Individual student needs seem to be growing with the support shrinking.

And the help at home has never been more unpredictable. We’re asked to do more, with less, and it’s a constant struggle to ensure every student keeps up. When your class sizes grow, and your curriculum keeps getting fuller, the last thing you need is a tool that makes your job harder.

What we really need are tools that simplify teaching, not over complicate it. Student engagement is another challenge we all grapple with. In today’s world, where distractions are everywhere, how do you convince students that math is worth their attention, and then make it stick?

It’s not by bombarding students with flashy tech or overly complex tools. It’s by giving them something simple, interactive, and aligned with their learning needs.

The Passion Behind Number Hive: Designed for the Real Classroom

I developed Number Hive because I’m passionate about making a difference in the classroom. I’ve been in your shoes (and still are every week)—I understand the everyday pressures of teaching.

That’s why Number Hive was designed from the ground up to be teacher-friendly and easy to implement. There’s no steep learning curve, no complicated setups. You can pick it up, integrate it with your existing lessons, and know that it’s fully aligned to curriculum outcomes.

We kept the design straightforward for a reason: to save you time, not waste it. I believe that a tool should serve the teacher, not the other way around. And because it’s built with teachers in mind, you won’t need to completely overhaul your lessons or struggle to fit it into your classroom routine. You’ll just see better outcomes—faster.

Number Hive is also designed with cost-effectiveness at its core. I know that school budgets are tight. That’s why we made sure this tool delivers a measurable return on every dollar you spend. But more importantly, it’s also about the return on the time you invest.

Every minute you spend using Number Hive is time well spent, because it’s focused on building fluency and deep understanding in a way that sticks with students.

ROI in Learning: More Than Just Dollars

When we talk about the return on investment, we’re not just talking about the dollars spent—we’re talking about the time and effort you put in as a teacher. With Number Hive, every minute of classroom time becomes more efficient and impactful.

You’re not just checking off boxes on a curriculum; you’re building long-lasting math fluency and confidence in your students.

Teachers using Number Hive have reported seeing improvements in both student engagement and understanding right away. That’s because our game-based approach isn’t about drilling memorization—it’s about fostering flexible, critical thinking skills that stay with students beyond the classroom.

Tools Built for Teachers, Not Tech Hype

Too many tools on the market are designed to look impressive but fail to meet the real needs of the classroom. They overcomplicate teaching instead of enhancing it. Number Hive is different because it was created by teachers, for teachers. I didn’t want another tech-heavy solution that creates more problems than it solves. I wanted a tool that fits seamlessly into the hectic pace of real classrooms.


At the end of the day, teachers are looking for tools that are simple, effective, and tailored to their needs. Number Hive delivers on all three fronts—helping teachers navigate the real challenges of the classroom, from crowded lessons to tight schedules, while still ensuring students achieve meaningful, long-term learning outcomes.

This is my passion. As a teacher myself, I know what’s at stake, and I’ve made it my mission to give you tools that make your job a little easier—and a lot more rewarding.

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